Blog: Services


Senior Care Services for Pets

These years are called “golden” for a reason. They are a wonderful time in your loyal companion’s life. Our team is here to make sure your pet continues to enjoy a high quality of life throughout their senior years. Together, we can keep their golden years shining bright. Call us...

Parasite Control and Prevention Services for Pets

They say defence is the best offence. That is certainly true when it comes to parasites and your pets. Fleas, ticks, lice, worms and other creepy crawlies can cause serious damage to your pet’s overall health. With our help, you can ensure they have protection their whole life. Give us...

Nutrition Counselling for Pets

Even the best of us can use help when it comes to how we fuel our bodies. The same can be said for our furry family members. We understand how overwhelming it can be to navigate store shelves (both online and in-person) to figure out the best food for your...

Microchipping Services for Pets

Even the most well-behaved pets can succumb to their curious and adventurous instincts. Pets can escape and get lost in a split second. With microchipping, your chances of reunion increase exponentially. Give us a call at 250-248-0008 to find out how.